We all thought that by summer this to shall pass.... well it didn't and now like many other parents I find myself navigating the tough choices of doing face to face vs. virtual. Last minute our district decided there would only be virtual which of course is the safest route but also puts me back into parent/teacher mode. ( Pray for me y'all).
I am fortunate and blessed so with the new bundle of joy coming this October, I am able to hire some help in the form of a tutor and both of us work from home so we can make this work and have a successful school year. When I saw a post from a friend that has an in-home daycare that will be providing support for parents that have to work outside the home and will need someone to care for their children and assist with virtual learning asking about school supply donations and to support their bake sale. I immediately told her I was putting together some notebooks for kids and would love to send her some. Just tell me how many she needed.
This though made me start thinking about how many other small centers or in home day cares are going to be in similar positions? These are usually people who genuinely love children and want to provide an environment that supports their success. Yes, it may be a parent's responsibility to do this but there wouldn't be so many back to school drives if this was always the case.
So with this thought in mind I am launching the support our small schools and centers program! For every business that signs up and gives out their promo code and someone purchases a notebook ( and receives 10% off) Arianna's Kloset will donate 1 notebook to the school they are supporting. Each one of us can give back in many ways and this is just one additional way we plan to give back at Arianna's Kloset! Program officially launches 8/13/2020 but you can check out the notebooks offered now! Take me to the notebooks now!